Still trying to decide what my Etsy store should be called. I want it to be something, fun, cute and relating mostly to babies and kids, plus other items like scarves hair things and stuff like that for ladies. Here are some of your ideas and my brainstorm results...
Shop Names: Some of these you could add 'by Jana' or 'Designs' to...
Dainty Delights
Chirping Cheerfully
Truelove's Kiss
Honeybunch Boutique
Treasure Tree Boutique
Merry Meadows Market
Emerald Envy Emporium
Box of Baubles Boutique
Petit Chou Boutique
Precious Peanut Plaza
Razzle Dazzle Delights
Fuzzy Wuzzy Boutique
Word Soup: Shoppe, Plaza, Galeria, Bazaar, Bounty, teeny, crate, bin, dazzel, glitter, sparkle, golden, bouquet, bundle, caboodle, jewel, gems, fuzzy,
Sew Sweet Store
Uniquely Yours
Jolie Mignon by Jana ("Pretty Cute") in French....
Joie de Vivre ("Joy of Life")
Petit Chou ("Little Cabbage"...a French endearment)
Do you have anymore ideas, or do you have a favorite out of the bunch that you would like to pick, vote for it!
4 years ago
I want a catchy name for sewing/clothing labels. I'm having a tough time getting the right one. My initials are NV (envy - get it?) and I'm trying to do something with them. it may be awhile before I decide.
good luck!!
Truelove's Kiss is pretty sweet! That gets a vote from me.
SMILES across the MILES
Got some pretty cute ones here. How 'bout Dancing Sugar Plums?
I like the "Sew Sweet" one... but could you do "Sew Sweet Boutique"? I really liked the french ones, but I agree people may not know what it means.
I like all of your ideas, unfortunately, most are taken. I really like the French ones, but the language barrier will cause too much confusion for customers. Lani, I really like your idea, but it is taken and a bit holiday themed, I am narrowing down my names, more on this soon!
Etsy Betsy Spider?
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