Monday, January 18, 2010

Thanksgiving 2009

I don't have many pictures from Thanksgiving time, but this is what I have. Justin, Katrina and the boys came up to visit and we were all down at Gina and Richard's house. Then we went up to Chris and Mary's for Thanksgiving Day. And back to Mom and Dad's/Gina and Richard's for the rest of the weekend.

Baby Jackson sleeping, ssshhhhhhh, he finally fell asleep!

Mommy and Jackson, reading a book

Gina and I made a big batch of lefse, mmmmmm, I will have to see if I can find the recipe and post it on the Messy Kitchen Blog

Fresh lefse

Spread on butter and brown sugar

roll up


I guess Gina didn't want her picture taken

1 comment:

Neisha said...

I love lefse but haven't eaten it since I was a kid