Sunday, September 27, 2009

*** Big News ***

We have been waiting to share our wonderful news with everyone until I was far enough along and we knew everything was going well. I am now 12 weeks and I had my first doctors appointment last week. I got to hear the heartbeat and the Dr. says that everything looks good.

So, now we are letting everyone know that in April, Nate and I will no longer be just a couple, we will be a family.

I am due April 7th. I have not had any problems with morning sickness and other than being tired, which is getting better, there is not much change so far. I have noticed that my tummy has popped out a bit, but not too much.

12 4/7 weeks


Lani said...

Congratulations, you guys!!! How exciting. The news we've all been waiting for. Can't wait to tell Craig. ;)

Melody said...

That is such exciting news! I know you will be great parents!

Gary & Melody

shaunandhelen said...

How exciting! Congrats :)

Neisha said...

yeah! Congratulations!! How fun!

Janelle said...

AAAAHHHH!! Congrats!! :) Hope you continue to feel good and have a great pregnancy. Guess I need to start knitting baby things. Are you going to find out pink or blue?

Anonymous said...

i heard from my gma...and had to come check out your blog for proof! =) congrats!

Anita said...


Mulberry Mama said...

Wonderful news! Congrats to you guys....babies are so much fun!

rgblazek said...

Congrats! You guys will be great parents!

Lani said...

BTW- You look so pretty in this picture. Forgot to mention that before. Oh... and... we are so, so happy for you guys! Hugs.

Abnermil said...


katrina said...

Congratulations! I thought I overheard you talking about baby stuff with your Mom & sister. ;) I hope your pregnancy goes well.

Debmiller1 said...

Thought I would pop holding the news in at the family potluck at Cindi's house yesterday. Now I can tell the world!

Jenny said...

Yippee! I love this kind of news! I hope everything continues to go well...can't wait to meet the new little one!

Jana said...

Thank you everyone for your congratulations!
Lani, thanks, I had to take about a dozen pictures before I got a good one!
Janelle, knit baby things would be great!! I don't really want to find out ahead of time if it is a boy or girl, I am getting peer pressure from Nate, his folks and many others to find out though!

sabrina said...

Congratulations! Are you still going to school yet? Shows how much I follow but I do check in once in a while and was pleased to learn your good news!

Little Miss Nobody said...

Congratulations! One of the best things that ever happened for us was having kids ... hope it'll be the same for you! :-)