Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I went up to Ikea on Monday with Stephanie, my best friend from high school. I LOVE Ikea and always end up bringing home a bunch of stuff, this time I think I outdid myself. We got a new side table for the living room and a new rug.

Side table

This rug is awesome, it is exactly what I had pictured in my mind that I wanted!


Nate really loves the rug too

My latest sewing project, a blanket made out of jean material on one side and prequilted material on the other side.

Detail shot


Janelle said...

LOVE the rug! That's awesome. Wish we had an Ikea near us....I miss it. That quilt you made is so cute! I want to make Parker a quilt for his bed, that's my next big project.

Mrs Starling said...

Love the rug and end table!! Looks good with your decor!

Neisha said...

I love the rug!!!

shaunandhelen said...

If your rug goes missing count me in as a suspect also :)

rgblazek said...

Fun rug and table.