Monday, December 29, 2008

Kitchen floor

Well, these pictures are over due, but I finally got them up.

Dad, Gina and Levi came up last Thursday to help us install the kitchen tile. We tore out the old subfloor, put in new subfloor, cement board and then laid tile on that. The actual tiling didn't take long, but taking out the old subfloor was more work than we expected!

Tear out on Thursday night (like my earplugs?)

the plywood was brittle and nailed down every two inches on the seams, so it took 4 hours or more to get it all out.

We discovered that the floor below the plywood was not very sturdy! Note the holes!!!

The mess

Another view of the mess, and you can see we finally got all the plywood torn out.

Putting in new 1x8s

replacing weak boards

cement board installed

my expert help!

putting in the tile

Our progress by noon on Saturday

Chloe and Jami brought the work crew lunch on Saturday, wasn't that nice of them!
Chloe was interested in Levi, she came straight over to him as soon as she came in the door.

Nate and Levi
Nate isn't too sure what to do with him
There, I think he's got it

All in

doesn't it look nice!


Lani said...

Oh wow. You have been busy. It's gonna look nice, though. You are much more ambitious than I am.

Neisha said...

wow, looks great!

shaunandhelen said...

Looks nice! Nate and Levi reminds me of when he was trying to hold Nolan-- he looks a little uncomfortable. LOL

Janelle said...

That looks great!! You guys are really getting things done over there. :)

Shannon said...

love it! can't wait to see the finished project.