Thursday, August 21, 2008


Friday evening

Levi arrived @ 8:16

Daddy is holding him while the nurses and the midwife take care of Gina

All bundled up with Mommy under the heat lamps.

Being footprinted

First bath

Auntie Jana gets to hold him

Olivia, Westin and Levi

Making a funny face

Funny Honey

Cute in his baby whites

Pursed lips

Looking around

Wrinkling his forehead

Sticking his "boonski" up in the air

Trying to suck his thumb

In Daddy's hands

Stretching out his arms and legs

Baby Feet


Anonymous said...

What a darling baby!! Thanks for sharing the precious photos! Luv, Lorna

VCCK said...

Cute pix Jana! Congrats to the auntie:) Your food looks great too - Cari

Lani said...

She had a water birth?! I want to do that so bad, but can't find anyone willing to go in with me on it. Did she have a positive experience with it? Anywayz... Levi is beautiful and it looks like everyone is doing fantastic. Congratulations, Auntie Jana!

Jana said...

Yes, she had a water birth, there is a little hospital about 40 min from their house that does it. She really liked waterbirth, she had her last three births in the water. I hope they get it up here in Roch soon! ;)

shaunandhelen said...

Yeah pics of little Levi! He reminds me of Westin.
I'll 2nd that waterbirth is great-both of mine were born that way. I'm surprised that it isn't available where you are Jana-all the hospitals around here do it now. Know that there is a birth center in Mad that does it and think I've heard that Eau Claire is starting a waterbirth program.

Lani said...

Hmmm... does that mean you have something to tell me/us? ;)

Jana said...

Not yet, but we have a plan, not to say things will go according to plan.

Little Miss Nobody said...

Congrat's auntie Jana! Levi is such a cutie!! Tell your sis congratulations from us, too! Great photos of the little guy!

Janelle said...

Congrats auntie! Levi looks so tiny & adorable! I wanted a water birth with both of my kids, but couldn't find anyone willing to do it. :( Hope you have better luck when the time comes.

Janelle said...

Oh, and I want to hear your plan. ;)