Monday, April 14, 2008

Ladies Craft Night - April & May

So we have the Craft night planned for April and May.

April Craft Night will be this Thursday the 17th @ Color Me Mine, @ 7:00 PM. It is located North Broadway across from Shopko and the theater. There will be a $5 studio fee, plus the cost of the pottery you choose to paint. If you have anyone you want to make a present for, birthdays coming up, Mother's Day, weddings and such, this would make a great gift. You can also visit the Color Me Mine site to get an idea of what we will be doing.

May Craft Night will be on Tuesday May 6th, at Mary's house, @ 7:00 PM. We will be potting flowers so bring a planter or a hanging basket, potting soil if you want anything special, otherwise Mary will have plain old dirt there. Also bring 12 flowers or greenery plants to exchange with everyone else who brings plants. This way we will all end up with a variety and hopefully some beautiful pots of flowers.
If you want to go wild you could mix it up and bring several different kinds of flowers, not just 12 of the same, or do two pots and bring 24 plants (you may want to bring your own soil if you do two). Actually if you want to get a head start have your pot or basket prefilled, so you only have to add the plants and a little topsoil to set them in.

I have also decided to set up a calling tree so I don't have to individually call the 20 ladies that have expressed interest in the craft nights. I will notify the callers on Thursday or next month @ Mary's, hope you can make it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do we know if everyone has an e-mail address? That might be a lot easier......just an idea.
