Wednesday, November 18, 2009


We had our ultrasound today. Everything looks great, baby is in the 55th percentile for about every measurement, so that is good. Nate was worried about the ultrasound, so I think he is relieved, to see that everything is going just fine. The baby was moving around a lot, more than what I can feel. Nate was amazed at how much the baby was moving!

The doctor said that my placenta is at the back of my uterus, so I will be able to feel a lot of movement at the front later in the pregnancy.

We didn't find out what we are having, it will be a surprise!!! It was great to finally see the baby. Everything is there, now it will just gain weight and grow bigger every week!

Halloween Pictures, Several Weeks Late

I already posted these pictures on Facebook, so I have been avoiding posting them on here. But, here they are now, in case you didn't see them on Facebook.

2 Cinderellas

The lost boy, the Farmer and the Hunter

Peter Pan's Shadow

The farmer from the Dell and his wife

The old woman who had so many children she didn't know what to do,
Dorthy and a little pumpkin

A dwarf, great beard!

Little Bo Peep

a black sheep

Humpty Dumpty, the wall and the shaddow

Another version of the Farmer in the Dell

Little Red Riding Hood and the Woodsman, he bagged the wolf

Little Red Riding Hood's Grandmother

The wolf

Love the Lashes

The Mattress and the pea

Robin Hood, I thin he was supposed to come as Peter Pan, so Jakin could be his shadow


Our front door this year

The Mary Poppins

Dad's pumpkin

Pumpkins carved this year