Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sneak Peek at Halloween Costumes

Are you getting your costumes ready for Halloween, it is a week away!!!
I always make our costumes every year, and this is what I have so far to show you.

materials for my costume, from Goodwill and WalMart

Partially completed headdress

Materials for Nate's costume, he is always something goofy every year and this year will be no different :)

Friday, October 23, 2009


I forgot to post this picture of how big some of the Connel Red apples were, and yes, I will admit that I cheated a little bit by setting it next to a pretty small apple, but these apples were huge!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Making Applesauce and Fall Pictures

Apples, apples and more apples, I forget how many I bought now, but they filled my trunk and backseat. My car smelled like apples for two days!

Regent, Sweet 16, Honey Gold, Connel Red, Haralson and Honeycrisp,
Gina and I processed over 7 pecks of apples in all

My big helper, he was great at washing apples.

Working away.

Aren't they pretty!

This is all I have for the pictures of how to can apples, Gina and I were a little too busy working to take pictures I guess. We canned 23 Quarts and 24 pints of applesauce. It took us about 5 or 6 hours, which I don't think is too bad for the amount of work we got done and that includes cleanup time.

*Gina says that I made this sound too easy, like it wasn't much work. It was a ton of work, we were both wiped out after being on our feet all day. But it felt good to look at the rows and rows of jars and be able to say, "We did that!"*

Our first pints. We were excited about them :)

These are just some fun shots I took of the gourds and apples I got from Gene and Barb's Orchard. Very Fall Festive I think.

Isn't that a cool swan-neck gourd, that is what is called

See the little snowflake, isn't it cute. Wait a sec, why is there a snowflake anywhere near my mums on October 11th, that is wayyyyy to early for snow!

Finished Bag #1

The bag is less ridged after washing and drying, but is still stands up on it's own and has good structure. I sent it out to Katrina and she should get it today or Monday, so I will have to find out from her how it works for her.

The bag looks like it was made this way now, instead of like I didn't know what I was doing and left the seams on the outside.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ragged Diaper Bag

Diaper Bag #1 - Blue and Brown - Katrina's

The Plan

Cut out squares of heavy double sided iron on interfacing

Cut out squares of flannel

Cut out squares of material

Iron the flannel to the interfacing

Iron the material to the other side

Add another piece of material to the other side of the flannel and sew the pieces together

8-9 inch long pieces of fabric to make a 5 inch pocket, sorry, no other pictures of pocket making

the pockets sewn on to the inside panels, 6 total inside

the outsides of the panels, with exposed seams for ragging

bottom material

Bottom interfacing and flannel on both sides

Bottom and one wall panel

two wall panels

inside view

outside pockets on the ends of the bag, 2 outside pockets

3 walls

4 walls

4 walls all sewn together

zipper top

I left it open on the ends, that way you can open the bag way up, the zipper doesn't shrink the opening then

strap insides

one strap all together

The straps sewn on

Almost finished bag, just need to rag and wash it

Saturday, October 3, 2009

New Sewing Project!!

Here is the material I bought today for my new sewing project(s), actually I am making three of the same thing. Diaper bags, one for my sister-in-law, one for Jami and one for me!

1st set: Green

Close ups

2nd set: Blue and Brown

Close ups

3rd set: Turquoise and Tan

Close ups