Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Summer is just around the corner and we started grilling again. On Saturday we made smoked pork and Monday night I made hamburgers. They turned out so good I thought I would share the recipe. I didn't measure anything when I made them, so these are estimated measurements.

1.2 lb. hamburger (one point two, they went a little over a pound when they made the package)
1 egg
3/4 c. grated medium cheddar
1/4 c. salsa
1/4 c. finely chopped onion
2 T. mustard
2 T. ketchup
1/2 c. crushed saltine crackers

Mix up well, form into thin patties, grill and enjoy!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day & May Birthdays

My folks came up on Saturday evening and we went out to City Cafe for a nice supper and then we went out to Victoria's on Sunday with Grandma, Grandpa, Carol and Mom and Dad. Two great restaurants in two days!

Tomorrow we are planning on going out with Grandma, Grandpa and Alyssa and Jamin. It is Nate and Jamin's B-days.

I have a final on Wednesday and then I am done for the summer!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also want to with Happy Birthday to several others who hit another year mark this month; Garland S. (older than the hills :), Uncle David (51), Alan (29), Colin (3), Ashley (a lady never tells her age!), Justin (28), Izabella (brand new!) and Happy Anniversary to Justin and Katrina.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Landscaping: The war against the rabbits begins.

So, over the past couple of years I have landscaped around our house. When we moved in the back yard had a clothesline, a huge stump right in the middle, an uneven, moss-covered patio and white rock along the back of the house.

The back yard spring 2006

Oh ya, there was also a bird feeder in the back yard too, it was ugly, old and brown as well. One of the first things to go!

We got rid of the stump with the help of Collin and Mike, I took out the patio and used the blocks for bordering my flower beds, took out the white rock from behind the house and put it along the far side of the house, were no one sees it (that is a good thing!), and we got rid of the big ugly clothesline pole, (we didn't use it, and it was clunky and brown {actually, we still have it in our garage if anyone wants it}).

My latest projects were planting a dwarf magnolia tree in the back yard, it will be small and pretty, and I can trim it and shape it to the size I want. I also expanded the flower bed in the corner of our yard. I got a few new perennials and I needed to move the rhubarb, it was getting holes in the leaves from the falling water off the neighbors garage. I also expanded the strawberry patch, per Nate's request. Here are a few pictures I took the other day.

Primroses, this one has more flowers than leaves!

Sweet William-I added pink and red ones.

Lambs Ears
Apparently a delicacy for rabbits! You can see this side of the plant has been nibbled off, and this much is gone less than 24 hours after I put it in the ground! I fought the rabbits last year and lost miserably. They on the other hand won the strawberries, lilies and more! I don't even know what some of my plants look like since they ate anything above the soil.

Not this year, I need to pull out the big guns and do something to keep my plants safe. I use big guns figuratively, but if you hear about a crazy woman from my neck of the woods getting carted off to jail for firing a gun in city limits, I may have resorted to the use of firearms to win the battle against the RABBITS! Any suggestions?

Corner Perennial flower bed; several varieties of sedum, irises, lilies, sweet william, lamb's ears, chives, peonies, strawberries and more.

another view

The back of the house; several varieties of hostas, irises, lily of the valley, false dragonhead, lilies

Daisies, hostas, rhododendrons and something else too, I don't know all what I have


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Justin and Izabella Ann

Happy birthday big brother.

Justin and his little one, Austin

Little Austin on his new swing set, what a cutie!

Swinging with Daddy

We also got news today that we have a new niece, Congratulations Alan & Heather. We will see you all Memorial Day weekend.

She looks just like Colin!

Proud Pappa, Colin is not sure about this little person!

Chloe's Birthday Party

We had a potluck on Sunday after meeting to get together and to celebrate Chloe's first b-day.
Here are some pictures I took that day.

The guys chatting

The ladies setting up for lunch.

Carol getting lunch ready.

What a cute cake, great work Jami!

If you look close the flame has just been blown out.

Mmm, she also tried out the foot as well.

Another dolly

"A bottle for me that matches the baby doll, what a great idea!"

With Daddy

Cute shot, check out the eyelashes